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Insert excerpt
[TEMPLATE]Feature Landing Page[TEMPLATE]Feature Landing PageMy Account Communication Preferences
My Account Communication Preferences


This feature is supported for: {example 1}, {example 2}, and {example 3} resorts using RTP|One for POS.


This feature is NOT supported for: {example 1} and {example 2}

Key Terms


Key Term 1

{1-2 sentence definition. Confirm that key term is not defined in another section first. }

Key Term 2

{1-2 sentence definition. Confirm that key term is not defined in another section first. }

{Paragraphs, pictures, attachments, etc go here}

Feature Description

This section contains a paragraph or two describing the feature and how it enhances the functionality of Aspenware Commerce. Include here business use of the feature both from the resort perspective and from the guest perspective

Child pages (Children Display)
page[TEMPLATE]Feature Landing Page


resorts using Siriusware for POS.

Feature Description

Logged-in guests have the ability to manage their communication preferences through the Communication Preferences Tab on their My Account page. On this tab, guests are able to opt-in or out of marketing emails or be redirected to a third party to manage their communication preferences. This functionality enables resorts to determine what is presented as a default to a first-time My Account user and to give guests the ability to update their communication preferences. The guest’s preferences will then be stored in their RTP|One profile and the selection will appear on their My Account Communication Preferences page each time they log in.
