Do you want to input a blank space for a langauge language string but the system is preventing you from saving the string? There are a few options to enable this for most language strings.
First, locate the language string you would like to display as a blank space. Then utilizing one of the text options below, save the text in the language string’s “value” field.
Note |
WARNINGIMPORTANT: Before updating the Live environment ensure any values used below have been tested and verified in the Test store. Products have been observed as not functioning when some of these values have been utilized. |
Value | Note |
ㅤ<-- value to the left of the arrow is invisible but can be copied |
Recommended - this is reccomended as it has not been observed to break any features/products. It does |
display as space block but is not visible. | |
| This works with most langauge strings but has also broken a product. Test purchasing the product or test the feature this langauge string effects. |
<br></br> | In some cases where the language string utilizes HTML this code will remove the langauge from appearing. |