Aspenware presents Aspenware Commerce 2.10. We’re excited to announce new waiver integration with 1Risk, enhancements to subscription payment processing, among several resolved issues.
Subscription Support for Payeezy Payment Systems
1Risk Waiver Integration
Aspenware Commerce Consolidated Waivers
Square for Payment Plans
Promotion Usage Details for Time-Date Specific Products (Golf)
Login Help Setting
New Validated Prompt Setting
New Sign Waiver During Personalization Setting
Resolved Issues
Subscription Payment Grouping
Previously, if a subscription payment was grouped, but one of the grouped members had their payment date get out of sync with others, it would cause issues with properly charging upcoming payments. This could happen when one member was frozen and was later reactivated and their payment date was changed. This issue is now resolved
Missing Reservation Table Data
Previously, some customers were seeing orders getting created and customers getting charged with no data in the reservation table. Now, if an order shows as 'success' in the Order Queue (RecordQueues table), the order will be in the reservation table.
Subscription Retry Days - Square
Previously, subscription retry days were not retrying on schedule (weekly), but rather retrying every day. Now, the subscription schedule is working.
Changing Emails Creating Duplicate Customer Accounts
Previously, if a customer changed their email in my account, a duplicate customer account would be created; now the email change does not create duplicates.
Previously, when applying a discount to multiples of the same product, discount functionality only worked if product attributes were identical. Now, customers can apply promotes to identical products with differing attributes.
Previously, fonts (such as on the PDP short descriptions) were not being set properly in some locations; now, primary and secondary fonts (including bold, light, and regular fonts) are being set correctly.
Aspenware now integrates with 1Risk Management Software. As with Aspenware Waivers, customers can sign 1Risk waivers during the personalization step in checkout. Signed waivers are updated and stored in 1Risk and verification is marked in RTP. 1Risk waiver capability is configurable and allows resorts to use both 1Risk and Aspenware waivers simultaneously. For more information see the 1Risk Release Guide.
Aspenware Consolidated Waivers
Square for Payment Plans
In addition to Payeezy,, and Braintree, Aspenware now supports Square as a payment processor for Aspenware Payment Plans. To set up payment plans, see configuration guides.
Promotion Usage Details for Time-Date Specific Products (Golf)