Versions Compared


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Several updates have been made to enhance the functionality and usability of the Aspenware Commerce Admin. These improvements address authentication security, optimize performance, fix visual and processing issues, and ensure proper date formatting for specific language cultures. Key updates include:

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Re-authentication


An issue has been resolved where admin users were not prompted to re-authenticate with an MFA code when accessing certain areas of


Aspenware Commerce Admin.

Bulk Attribute Combinations


Limits were added to prevent performance impacts when bulk generating attribute combinations in production environments.

Attribute Value Handling


The handling of handling of attribute values containing numbers to ensure correct processing has been improved.

Payment Plans Table Display


A visual issue in the Admin > Payment Plans > Enrollments table has been fixed where the “has failed payments” label and toggle were displayed twice; the duplicate has been removed.

Date Formatting in Waivers


Corrected an issue where resorts using the ENG-


AUS language culture were not seeing the proper date formatting in the Admin > Waivers > Edit tool, which could prevent waiver forms from saving unless dates were manually typed. The date-picker tool now displays the correct format for ENG-AUS language culture.