CSS libraries such as Bootstrap getting inserted into the page via the footer may cause conflicts with your eCommerce page design. If you must use a CSS library, please check the CSS library documentation to see if it is possible to scope the library to the context of your footer.
Javascript Frameworks
Do to conflicts with Javascript on page, using JavaScript in the footer is unsupported and we will not be able to help you if there are issues.
We utilize Vue.js on our front end and resorts have had difficulty inserting a second Vue instance into their headers and footers as the two Vue instances tend to conflict with each other. If you are going to attempt to use Vue for your footer, make sure that the instance is attaching to the ID of your footer container eg. #your-resort-brandfooter
(vs. using the default #app) and does not insert any components into the global page scope (window). It is also advised to enable scoped CSS in any Vue component files.
You may have more success using a different framework, such as React or Svelte. In general, using frameworks for the footer is untested and unsupported at this time, so please be aware of the risk that you may run into issues.
4. Aspenware Theme Support for Resort Footers