The Aspenware Scanning application settings allow configuring the device behavior on the Login page and when scanning barcodes and reading RFID media cards. The Login page can be configured to require scanning barcodes/RFID cards in order to sign-in as well as to require the user of a valid RTP UserID. To gain access to the device settings, manually enter or scan a barcode of the word, ‘SETTINGS’. This will automatically display the settings page on the device.
Web Service – defines connectivity information for the device to connect to Unity.
Device – defines DeviceID as well as behavior of the Login page. See below for more info on each setting.
Sound Settings – defines sound and vibration settings for offline, validate only and live scans. See below for more info on sound settings.
UHF Scan Settings – only displays on a device that is configured to use UHF. These settings control the default trigger mode, range of the UHF reader and RFID conversion type. See below for more info on each setting.
Settings - Web Service
The web service URL must be entered in the following format including the trailing slash: https://<servername>/Unity/ (i.e. https://aspenwarecommerce.net/UnityProd/)
Client Id – defined during implementation. Do not change.
Client Secret – defined during implementation. Do not change.
Settings - Device Settings
The login page is configurable through Device Settings to allow the following options.
Device ID – defines the ID used to record scans in RTP. Recommend defining a unique Device ID per device.
Require Location Scan – determines whether user can manually select Access Location or if scanning a barcode is required to sign-in. If set to Y, user must scan a valid AccessLocationCode from RTP (i.e barcode of 100, 110, 120, etc.)
Validate UserID – determines whether username is a validated against RTP. If enabled, a valid RTP UserID must be used to sign-in.
Force Login Scan – determines whether a user must scan a pass media barcode or read an RFID card to sign-in. If enabled, the RTP IPCode the pass belongs to must be added to a UserID in Admin/Security Administration/User in RTP:
Enable Add Customer ID –enables functionality to allow operator to enter an RTP Customer ID (IPCode) when a certain RTP Access Error is returned as a scan result. After entering customer ID, a new scan will be triggered that appends the {CustomerID} to the end of the previously scanned code.
Customer ID Scan Code – click to enter a specific RTP Access Error ‘Error Message’ for the Enable Add Customer ID functionality. This will be the only RTP Access Error that will trigger this functionality to allow an operator to enter a Customer ID (IPCode). For example, ‘Bad Type’ is entered below so when this scan result is returned to the scanner, the ‘Add Customer ID’ option will display allowing the operator to enter an RTP IPCode.
After scan occurs that returns this type, the Add Customer ID button appears:
Which allows the operator to enter data which then gets appended to the previously scanned code and triggers a new scan:
Date entered gets appended (444 was entered to trigger the scan below:
Settings - Device Settings
The UHF Scan Settings are configurable to allow adjusting the default behavior of the trigger, the transmit power of the device as well as the type of RFID’s populated into the device.
Trigger Mode
Barcode and RFID – allows the scanner to scan barcodes and read RFID tags. When this is enabled, a barcode will be read first even if an RFID tag is in range.
RFID Only – only allows the scanner to scan RFID tags.
Use Max Transmit Power – impacts the range of the scanner. When enabled, the max range of the device will be used to scan RFID tags. The max range for the Zebra MC3300 is 270 but this can differ per device. This value is a numeric value that relates to a dBm value (decibels with reference to one milliwatt.) The Zebra MC3300 has a range of 0-30 dBm so a value of 270 is equivalent to 30 dBM.
Transmit Power – used when Use Max Transmit Power is disabled and defines transmit power other than the max value. It is likely that this setting will need to be adjusted for each customer to find the optimal setting. A lower value (i.e. 30 or 50) makes it easier to scan a specific tag while a higher value allows reading tags from greater distances.
Set Tag Population – enabled or disabled.
Tag Population – if Set Tag Population is enabled, this value defines the estimated number of tags that will be in range of the scanner.
Convert IDs to Base 32 – enabled or disabled
If enabled, Id is converted to Base 32 (i.e. 1OG000B706016C1N1R02)
If disabled, Id is Base 16 (i.e. E28068900000000163F009B9)
Use TID Memory Bank – enables the application to use the value stored in the TID memory bank instead of the default tagId. Typically ‘Convert IDs to Base 32’ is also selected when this is enabled.
Use EPC Memory Bank – enables the application to use the value stored in the EPC memory bank instead of the default tagId. Typically ‘Convert IDs to Base 32’ is also selected when this is enabled.
Login Page
Based on how Login Settings are defined, the login page will appear with various options.
Login page requiring Login Scan but not a Location Scan. User must manually define the Access Location Group and Access Location:
Login page requiring a Location Scan. Click the Scan Location Barcode button to then scan an AccessLocation code.
Login page after scanning a location barcode. Tap ‘Log In’ to then sign-in.
Scanning Functions
After successfully signing in, the device is ready to scan tickets and passes using the barcode or RFID reader. Barcodes can also be manually entered using the device keyboard if the barcode is unreadable by the device.
Scanning Tickets
Valid Scan - Reading RFID:
Invalid Scan – Scanning barcode:
Access Info button – displays summary information and previous scans
Hotlist button – allows hotlisting a ticket. Click the ‘Active Pass’ dropdown to then select a hotlist reason.
To Un-Hotlist – access the same page and select the ‘Active Pass’ hotlist reason.
Scanning Passes
Valid scan using RFID
Invalid scan using RFID:
Valid Pass Media Barcode scan:
Media Info button – displays media information and allows Activating/Inactivating and Hotlisting Pass Media Code. Highlight an Inactive row to then Activate the media or select Hotlist to hotlist the Pass Media Code.
Access Info button – displays a summary of the Access Code used for validation along with current Hotlist Status.
All Scans – displays scan history of Access Code. Click Hotlist to hotlist the Access Code.
Access Profiles – displays list of customers Access Profiles. Highlight any row in the list and then click All Scans to see a summary and scan history of that Access Code.
Validate Only Mode
Select Validate Only to check if a pass or ticket is valid for a date and time. Scanning in Validate Only mode will not count as an actual scan on the ticket or pass.
It is possible to login to the device when in offline mode. The list of Access Locations on the login page is cached on the device allowing users to select locations before logging in. It is not possible to login while in offline mode if the Device Setting, ‘Validate UserID’ is enabled.
Scan occurring in Offline Mode:
Logging off when offline scans exist – the user will see the following messages when logging-off of the application when offline scans exist:
Logging back in when offline scans exist – offline scans will automatically begin uploading when logging in to the device but will not interfere with new online scans.
Message displays indicating offline scans have been processed successfully
RTP Access Profile summary showing ‘Batch Scan’
Other Features
Review previous 10 scans – swipe left and right on the scan results page to see previous 10 scans. The screen shot below shows the user swiped back to the 5/10 scan.
Click customer photo to enlarge image
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