Sound settings define the sound generated for an Offline, Validate Only and Live Scan on the device. Several sounds are delivered in each category which and custom sounds can be adjusted from this settings page. also be uploaded as of v1.14 of the app. You can also define whether the device vibrates with each type of sound by checking the Vibrate checkbox.
For Live Scans, ‘Beep’ settings are used to map to valid and invalid scans from RTP Access Rule Product Type administration. Settings for 1 and 3 Beeps are delivered with the device and map to a valid and invalid scan from RTP (3 is always an invalid scan in RTP). Additional Beeps can be added which map to RTP’s Access Rule Product Type administration entries. To add new Beeps, click the ‘New Setting’ button below and define an un-used Beep Count, Sound and Vibrate setting. ‘4 Beeps’ has been added in the screen shot below. After adding a new setting, you must click the ‘Save Settings’ button.
To upload custom sounds, place a .wav file in the devices Notification directory and select the custom sound file when defining new beeps or when editing the Offline and/or Validate Only settings. For example, in the screen shots below, the ‘LightningSound.wav’ was uploaded to the device making it available to select through the app.
Settings - UHF Scan Settings