Table of Contents |
1. POS Tasks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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2. Infrastructure Tasks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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3. Payment Provider Tasks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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4. Commerce Tasks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Key Terms
While Aspenware does not provide Payeezy terminal configuration support to its Payeezy resorts, the following key terms and screenshots are shown so that resorts can see how the information Aspenware sends to Payeezy is used and displayed in Payeezy, and which transaction type displays the AVS results.
Auth Only
Payeezy can enable or disable terminals to allow $0 auth only transactions. All merchants using Payeezy with Aspenware must have the $0 auth only transaction type enabled. This setting is requested when the merchant is onboarded with Payeezy. Aspenware’s integration to Payeezy uses the $0 Auth Only request to send AVS details to Payeezy, and it is on this transaction type that the merchant can see the AVS results for an authorization request. This transaction type is not used for payment plan scheduled payments.
Payeezy has a transaction type for pre-authorizations, which checks the cardholder’s credit limit first to ensure the cardholder has adequate funds for the amount in the request. This transaction type is not used for payment plan scheduled payments.
Tagged Completion
Payeezy’s transaction type for charges which succeed is Tagged Completion. This Transaction type is not used for payment plan scheduled payments.
This transaction type is used for Payment Plan Scheduled payments.
This screenshot displays the Auth Only, Pre-Auth, and Tagged Completion transaction types in the Payeezy sandbox, and which transaction type displays the AVS results:
This screenshot displays the uncollapsed view of the $0 Auth Only request for a transaction which is approved because it passes AVS using Payeezy’s AVS filter 1 (Cardholder name matches)
This screenshot displays the uncollapsed view of an authorization request which is rejected because the terminal configuration in Payeezy uses AVS filter N (No Address or ZIP Code match)
This screenshot shows the message displayed to the guest in Aspenware Commerce who does not pass AVS in Payeezy. Aspenware intentionally returns a general message ‘Credit Card Validation Address Not Verified’ message. The reason the general error is displayed, rather than a more specific error message such as ‘Street Address matches, ZIP code does not’ is because this reveals too much detail to a malicious user.
This screenshot shows the Purchase transaction type, which is used in payment plan scheduled payments:
Detailed Setup Guide
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Follow Payeezy getting started guide:
Set up a merchant account on the Payeezy site to get a Merchant ID.
Contact Aspenware Representative to set up an API dev account.
Add Merchant to Aspenware dev account by emailing Payeezy. Email to request having the client added as a merchant on our dev account. Include:
Customer’s Merchant ID
DBA name
Developer account email address:
Payeezy will confirm the request and follow up with an email (May take a few days)
Then, Submit PaymentJS integration request following these steps under Step 4 in this guide exactly
When integration request complete, Email Payeezy to Confirm Values Match Merchant account values. (only required if issues with payment)
Once done Aspenware will get API key, API Secret, JS Key,and Token from the Payeezy developer account.
Obtain TaToken from Payeezy and make note of this for future Commerce configuration.
The transarmor token (tatoken) can be located in customer’s existing Payeezy account by logging in at and clicking on the terminal to view the details. The TA token will be a 4 character code.
If using CVV2 verification (recommended)
Complete the steps within Step 7 in this guide.
If enabling Velocity Controls in PayEezy (recommended)
From within your Payeezy Admin screen, go to Admin > Terminals > Velocity Controls.
Set the Maximum # of Transactions per Card/Check No. to ‘10’. Based on ‘All Transactions’ within the duration of ‘1 Day’. Set the action to ‘Decline’.
Set the Maximum # of Transactions per IP to ‘10’. Based on ‘All Transactions’ within the duration of ‘1 Day’. Set the action to ‘Decline’. And Save.
Configure AVS filters for the merchant’s terminal in Payeezy. Aspenware sends all consumer-entered billing address information to Payeezy on the authorization request, which occurs prior to the cardholder being charged. This enables Payeezy to use that consumer-entered address information to either reject or allow the authorization request.
Work with your Aspenware Representative to set up the GL Report so you can reconcile GL reporting in the POS and payment gateway.
Go to the Configuration > Payment > Payment Methods page.
Click Edit on the Payeezy payment gateway.
Check Is active on the desired payment method and click Save. Ensure that only the desired payment method is set to ‘is active.’
Select ‘Configure’ on the desired payment method.
Complete the following fields:
Use Sandbox: - Should be checked for ‘test’ and unchecked for ‘prod’
API Key: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account
API Secret: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account under the API tab
JS Key: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account under the API tab
TaToken: Obtained in previous step above or get from Resort’s Payeezy account
Token: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account under the Merchants tab
Requires Billing Address: This is likely required, so check to make sure it is collected for checkout.
Requires Phone Number: Check if phone number is required at checkout.
Click Save.
Test a live credit card for each type of accepted credit card (Visa, Amex, Discover, Mastercard) to ensure the gateway is processing payments properly once setup is completed.