Better error messaging for guests who do not have a birth date defined on their profile but try to login log in through Aspenware Identity.
Resort-initiated configuration steps: Work with your Aspenware Representative to update the content displayed to a guest when they try to log in but required information is missing from their account, requiring them to call. The associated string is account.create.information missing.
If a resort uses Aspenware Identity for authentication and if click tracking was turned on in SendGrid, for some email clients (namely Outlook 365), the URL for password reset links exceeded the URL length parameters for that email client and would get truncated, returning invalid.
Resort-initated initiated configuration steps: If you previously disabled click tracking from SendGrid, and wish to enable this, enable this setting in SendGrid and test a password reset flow using Identity.
For resorts that use a combination of Aspenware Identity and the Loyalty feature in Commerce, when guests are asked to enroll in the Loyalty Program from Identity, the content next to the enrollment checkbox now supports some HTML. See documentation for additional details on supported HTML.
Resort-initiated configuration steps: Reach out to your Aspenware Representative with the desired content to be displayed next to the Loyalty opt-in checkbox within Identity after reviewing documentation.