With pleasure, Aspenware presents Aspenware Commerce 2.5. We’re excited to be offering new features, such as discounts for date and time-based products and support for payment plans for Siriusware customers. We’ve also upgraded Payeezy customers to v2 just in time! We’ve also resolved login and failed order issues, among other requests that you have found important. See below for more specifics on what we’ve been up.
Payeezy v2 - 2137, 3009, 3142RTP Login issues: 2738, 3053, 3211, 3018, 3031, 3079, 2726SW login issues - 3136, 2879, 3019,Golf discounts - 2490, 3023Siriusware payment plan support: 2904, 3007, 3008, 3025, 2684RTP payment plan support for unity - 31132921 - similar issue 31143084Kount- 3087, 3170, 3171may want to check this entry15362637
RTP Failed order issue: 2853, 3106
SW failed order issues - 2783
Login Issues
Previously some Siriusware and RTP customers were experiencing login issues in Aspenware Commerce after email or authentication profile updates in provider systems. Including some of the following:
updating username to an email does not allow updated user to login
find me by pass number does not update the RTP password if the RTP authentication ID is changed
when authentication profile and email profile are different, “find me” email results in frozen screen
the “forgot password” module loads an unhandled exception screen when a user enters an email that does not exist in the Aspenware Commerce database
password recovery doesn't work if an email was updated in Siriusware
Resolved Issue 3
Previously, content associated with rental location language strings was not displaying. Now your customized content displays wherever language strings are in place.Saved resort charge credit card issues (RTP)
Previously, saving a resort charge credit card as a primary credit card would result in a database entry with several appended x’s, now the proper token is being saved correctly in the table.
Pass media prefix not respected
Previously, some customers would be able to reoload their invalid media. Now, a prefix check will require those with invalid media to purchase new media and correct prefixes to reload.
Previously, issues in Kount were preventing orderId and success status from being updated after payment had process. Now, orders are updating properly.
Invalid address (RTP)
Previously, when a user entered an address with invalid characters (such as “/”), the customer would be unable to log back in after logging out. Now invalid characters are handled and customers can successfully log back in.
Things to Look Forward to
New functionality for RTP-Unity customers who do not use RTP|Connect
Previously RTP customers who did not use Connect did not have the following functionality-Aspenware Commerce customers without Connect could not take advantage of some services. Now Aspenware Commerce customers can do the following with Unity and without requiring Connect:
Payment plan products with accurate price allocations (including lesson + lift packages) and tax calculations