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Setup Checklist

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Set-up Checklist


Prerequisite Tasks

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Prerequisites Tasks Excerpt


  • Contact SheerID to complete required setup and purchase a SheerID Subscription

  • Obtain verification form URL(s) from SheerID

    • i.e.


NOTE: You will want to explore multiple verification URL(s) with SheerID if the following are true:

  1. You offer different categories of verified discounts. (i.e. college and military discounts)

  2. You offer different level discounts for various classifications (i.e. active, retired, dependents, different discounts for different colleges, etc.)



NOTE: Random code generation tips that have served helpful for other customers:

  1. Consider omitting certain characters that could be confused for similar-looking characters, for example, 1, I, and a | look very similar and can be confusing. If you are using alphanumeric, consider lowercase and numbers but not uppercase letters and numbers.

  2. Ensure that each string is unique.

  3. Use shorter codes, around 5 digits.

POS Tasks

  • Create the RTP|One product header for discounted products.

  • Create an RTP|One Rule that will be used for validation and link validation stored procedure. Aspenware link links random codes generated in the section above to this stored procedure. (Professional Service fees apply.)


  • Deploy validation stored procedure and grant appropriate SQL security.


  • Obtain RTP|One prompt code(s) for use in Aspenware Commerce configuration.


  • Create military and college product classifications if they don’t exist.

    • From Aspenware Commerce>Product Classifcations>Add Commerce > Product Classifications > Add Classification, create a product classification with either Requires Military or Requires Student Verification applied.

  • Ensure that the products to which you are assigning a SheerID prompt are set up in Aspenware Commerce. Detailed product setup can be found here: Configuration: Product Shell

Detailed Setup Guide

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Detailed Setup Guide Excerpt



NOTE: SheerID updates and stored procedure updates in RTP|One must take be in place in order for the validations to take place. Please email to set these up in advance of configuring these prompts in Nopcommerce. 


NOTE: SheerID must be maintained on a season-to-season basis.

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce Plugins > Product Classifications > Add Assignment and select the desired Category and product Product requiring assignment from the dropdowns.

  • If SheerID validation is specific to a particular attribute combination or add-on selection, check the desired product attributes or add-on.

  • In the Classification table, click the Assign checkbox for either Requires military verificationor Requires college verification, depending on whether the product is a military restricted product or a college restricted product.


NOTE: SheerID codes are limited to a single-use unless otherwise specified.


  • On assignment, an admin must also enter the RTP|One validation prompt type code in the Value field, copied from the POS task above.


NOTE: Please work with Aspenware on setting up RTP|One to support validation prompts for SheerID and for updating your SheerID form to properly distribute codes that will work this setup upon successful verification in SheerID. Professional service fees apply.

  • Click Add.

2. Update Copy for Checkout Steps where SheerID verification is required

  • Go to Configuration > Languages > English > String Resources to set specific language strings that apply to the SheerID code entry section in checkout and provide verification links.  Use the following language strings to edit what customers see if they attempt to checkout with a SheerID restricted product:

Resource name




<a href="Insert SheerID URL here" target="_blank"><br><br>Click here if you have not verified your military status and retrieved your military verification code<br><br></a>

If a product is assigned to the Requires military verification product classification


<strong>SEASON PASS</strong> verification: <a href="Insert SheerID URL here" target="_blank"> Click here if you have not verified your college enrollment and retrieved your student verification code </a> or <a

If a product is assigned to the Requires college verification product classification