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POS Tasks
There is no specific POS configuration required for Passchecker beyond the configuration required for Arrival. Compete all Arrival configuration before enabling Passchecker.
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| Infrastructure Tasks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Send request to Aspenware to enable Pass Checker |
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Aspenware Commerce Tasks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Create “AccessLocations” Collection
2. Create “Pass Checker - Hotlist Reason”
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1. Add Resort’s Default Pass Checker POS Location ID to General tab
2. Create “AccessLocations” mapping(s)
3. Create “Pass Checker - Hotlist Reason” display mapping(s)
4. Update Pass Checker Languages Strings
Infrastructure Tasks
POS Tasks
Infrastructure Tasks
1. P
2. A
Aspenware Commerce (Arrival) Tasks
Submit a request to your Aspenware Service Partner to enable Pass Checker.
Arrival Tasks
Add Resort’s Default Pass Checker POS Location ID to General tab.
The Pass Checker POS Location ID is a setting from RTP|One, and can be sourced from your RTP|One administrator. (RTP|One/ Access Control Admin / Access Control Management / Access Location)(Select an access point that most tickets would be valid for.)
Enter the numeric value in the “Pass Checker POS Location ID” field, and click the UPDATE GENERAL SETTINGS BUTTON.
2) Create “AccessLocations” Collection (required) and “PassChecker Hotlist Reason” Collection (optional)
While logged in as admin, click on the Collections Tab in the far right corner of the menu bar.
Create a Collection by populating entering “AccessLocations” in the Name field, then clicking the ADD COLLECTION button. Assign a logical name ( LIFTS for example)
If you would like to hide RTP Hotlist reasons with more appropriate customer-facing language, follow the procedure above to create a new collection, naming it “Pass Checker - Hotlist Reason”.
3) Create “AccessLocations” Mappings (Required)
Assign Items to the Collection by selecting the Collection (click in check box). This will launch the ADD NEW COLLECTION ITEM window.
When the Add New Collection Item window appears, populate the fields as shown. The Name field is customer facing and should be easily recognizable to a resort guest. Avoid jargon or internal names like LIFT 4 or POMA. Instead, use a name that a guest will recognize, like TRAM, or BIG BEAR TRIPLE BEGINNER LIFT. The Value is the RTP Access Location Code. Ask your RTP System Administrator for these codes. Save entry by clicking ADD COLLECTION ITEM.
If necessary, you can edit your collection item by selecting it (check box), then clicking UPDATE COLLECTION ITEM. You can also delete using this same steps.
4) Update Pass Checker Language Strings (optional)
Log in as admin, click on the LANGUAGE Tab on the admin toolbar. Scroll down to Pass Checker, and click on it to expand entries.
All entries have default copy supplied, so you do not have to edit if you choose not to. Note that the entryCo entitled “Invalid Media Error Text” includes a spaceholder for a phone number, which must be customized by the resort.
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