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Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic Pricing


1. POS Tasks

1. Follow the POS standard product setup requirements from Configuration: Product Shell



2. Aspenware Commerce Tasks

Configure Core Product

1. Configure Core product according to product shell standards Configuration: Product Shell with the following additional setup:


  • Add “Start Date” attribute with [Date] [Dynamic], Date picker, and Is required settings


  • Generate attribute combinations


  • If utilizing the Large calendar view, add “[Pricing Calendar]” Text prompt to required attributes


2. Add product classification(s)


  • Dynamic Pricing Days to Arrival


  • Is consecutive multi-day


  • Show pricing Calendar view


Update Settings

  1. CatalogSettings.DynamicPricingCalendar.PricingCountMessageThreshold


  2. catalogsettings.dynamicpricingcalendar.inventorymessagethreshold


  3. seasonsettings.enddate is set to the season end date


  4. seasonsettings.startdate is a date in the past


Additional commonly utilized setup

  • Setup inventory pools


  • Add reloadable media


  • Setup cutoff days/time



Dynamic Pricing Module Configuration

1. Configure Season Type(s)


2. Assign Season Type to product

Jenni Optional Correct?

3. Create Pricing Season(s)


4. Configure Products for Dynamic Pricing


  • Set up Base & Override Windows (must have “Base” and “Day of” at minimum


  • Set up Tiers


5. Price Product Using Pricing Tool


  • “Base” values must be priced for the entire season


  • “Override” values must be priced for the entire season and the top level “quantity” must be set to a value that will have no chance of selling out such as 10,000


  • Price and set quantity for Tiers


6. Export/Import Excel Pricing Spreadsheet


titleDetailed Setup


The following types of products can be set up for dynamic pricing:

  • Products where price changes depending on the reservation date (e.g. during a certain season, a product is sold at a higher price).

  • Products that are not available every day of the season but do not use inventory pools to narrow available dates.

  • Products that you wish to display the pricing calendar in order to display how much inventory is left throughout the season. ^Jenni This should be in Overview and not needed here?

Before dynamically pricing a product, ensure the following is true:

  • The product is fully set up and prepared for dynamic pricing:

    1. The attribute “Start Date” has been added with “[Date] [Dynamic]” added to the Text Prompt field and the control type is “Date picker”. And if utilizing the large pricing calendar view then all required attributes have the text prompt [Pricing Calendar]

    2. All attributes and values are configured on the product, and the product attribute combination table is built out fully. Ensure the attribute combination table has the absolutely correct all necessary attribute combinations before proceeding.

      1. If the attribute is required to book the core product, such as Age and Number of Days, it is a Required attribute. 

      2. If the attribute is an add-on attribute and does not impact the price or SKU (RTP|One product header) of the core product, it should not be Required. (e.g. An add-on rental to a ticket or lesson should not be required or included in the product attribute combination table.)

    3. The SKUs have been entered in the product attribute combination table.

      1. Only combinations that require dynamic pricing show in the combination table. Add-ons should not be included in the combinations. 


2. Add Product Classification(s)

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Product Classifications and click Add assignment.

  • Select the product you created above.

  • Scroll to ‘Dynamic Pricing Days to Arrival’ and click the Assign checkbox.

  • Optionally if you’d like to show the large pricing calendar view, scroll to ‘Show pricing calendar view’ and click Assign checkbox.

  • Optionally you can decide if you want to allow non-consecutive multi-day selection or if you’ll allow consecutive multi-day selections. If neither option is not necessary for your product, skip to the next step.

    • If you’d like to allow non-consecutive multi-day selections, scroll to ‘Is Non-Consecutive Multi-Day Product’ and click Assign checkbox.

    • If you’d like to require consecutive multi-day selection, scroll to ‘Is Consecutive Multi-Day Product’ and click Assign checkbox.

  • Click Add.


3. Optional Product Setup


Settings for this Feature


1. Configure Season Type(s)

Season Types “Season Types” group seasons together to assign to products (e.g. a Lift Ticket season type Season Type may be assigned to lift ticket products and include a Lift Ticket Weekdays season Season and a Lift Ticket Weekends season Season.)

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Dynamic Pricing > Seasons

  • Click Seasons (button in the upper right corner)

  • Click Season Types (button in the upper right corner)

  • Specify the Season Type Name and click Add.


NOTE: Currently, each season can only be assigned to one season type. If product A and product B both use the Saver Season, but product A’s seasons are Saver, Off-Peak, and Holiday, and product B’s seasons are Saver and Regular, then create a different season type to assign to product A and B. Two Saver seasons will also need to be created, one for the season type that will be assigned to Product A, and another for the season type that will be assigned to Product B.

^Jenni? what is this?

2. Assign Season Type to product

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Dynamic Pricing > Seasons > Season Types > Assign Products to Season Types

  • Select the desired Product

  • Select the Season Type

  • Click Add


3. Create Pricing Seasons

Pricing Seasons are created so that dates can be blocked together when updating pricing for a product in the dynamic pricing tool. These should be set up prior to pricing the product. Pricing seasons are assigned to pricing season types that are assigned to products. 

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce Plugins > Dynamic Pricing

    • Click Seasons (button in the upper right corner) and specify:

      • Name: Enter the name for the season (ie: weekends, weekdays, whole season, etc)

      • Display Order: Enter (optional) used to determine the display order for the seasonin Admin.

      • Season Type: Select the Season Type created above.  

    • Click Add.

    • Select Set Datesbeside the newly created season (table is organized by display order).

    • Navigate to the first month and year with dates included in this season. Highlight the appropriate dates in the left column. 

      1. Select multiple dates in a row using the Shift key; select multiple non-consecutive dates using the Command key on a Mac and Control on a PC. When all the desired dates in the month are selected, select the > arrow key in the center of the modal. 

    • Continue for each month within the season you are planning to have sales for and when complete, select Save

    • Season names, display orders, season types can be edited and de-activated/activated by selecting Edit. To edit dates, select Set Dates

4. Configure Products for Dynamic Pricing


Setup Override Windows

  • On the Seasons page, click Dynamic Pricing and search for the desired product.

  • Select Edit Override Windowswithin the desired product’s row.

    1. Days to arrival windows are defined here (e.g. rules like unique pricing for day-of purchasers, within 48-hour purchasers, outside of 48 hours, etc.)

  • Override Window setup depends on pricing window rules. Specify the following for all of the days to arrival windows for the product:

    1. Window Title: Enter a descriptive name for the window .(ie: “Day of Pricing”)

    2. Display order: Set to 101 for the window that is closest to the start date, 102 for the next furthest window out, and so on. For example, 101 for Day of Pricing, then 102 for the 7 days out until the day before pricing, 103 for the 14 days to 8 days before pricing, etc. 100 should not be set as “Base” will appear automatically and is reserved for 100.

    3. Days out start: This is the number of days from the arrival date when the pricing will apply. For example, if setting up an ‘outside of 48 hours’ window, set this to 2 and it will apply two days out from the arrival date if there isn’t a more specific (closer to arrival date) level set that applies to the reservation date. 

    4. Days out end: Set to 100000. Do not set this to a value higher than 100000.

    5. Track Quantity: Check this for all override windows. Checking this will cause a the Type drop-down to appear.

    6. Type: select ‘Price’, do not select ‘Price’ rather than 'Percent.' 


    1. Click Add.


  • Once all Override Windows are added, and if you are not using tiered pricing, the product can be priced. (If you are using Tiers scroll down to the “Setup Pricing Tiers (Optional)” section.)


Warning: The order for override windows is very important. When all of your override windows have been added, they should be ordered from closest to arrival date to furthest from the arrival date and should look something like the example below if using multiple override windows. Notice Base is first, then the closest window to the arrival date is second, and so on. 



NOTE: If all “Days Out Start” date ranges are not fully encompassed then the earlier date will be used. For example, in the screenshot above if a guest buys a product 3 days prior, then the pricing will fall under the “3 - 2 days out price” window.

^Jenni - Does this note make sense? And are there any risks to not have all dates overlapping? Like could $0 tickets be sold? I feel like I’ve seen $0 tix sold with this config.

Setup Pricing Tiers (Optional)


Tiers can be


used to set limited quantities at discounted pricing.

Go to Aspenware Commerce > Dynamic Pricing > Search for your product > and click Edit Tiers.


  • Enter the Tier Title, Description of the Tier, and Display Order, and click Add. Once all of your tiers have been created, you will see a list of them in order of display.

    Image Removed

    : enter “Tier 1” for the initial tier customers will buy from

  • Description:enter “Tier 1” for the initial tier customers will buy from

  • Display Order: enter “1” for the initial tier customers will buy from

  • Then click Add.

Repeat this process by adding “+1” for each required tier. In the example below products will sell through tier 1 then through tier 2.


5. Price Product Using Pricing Tool

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Dynamic Pricing in Admin.

  • Search for the product using the Product name field (e.g. Type type “ticket” to find lift tickets).

  • Find the desired product’s row and click Edit Pricing. 

Set Base Pricing

Base pricing is used to show the %savings the customer is receiving by buying online. Configuring base pricing is required.


In the pop-up enter the price that will be used as the base price aka ‘window rate’ and click Update.



NOTE: Depending on the amount of attributes and the number of dates being input this can take a few minutes for the data to save into the system.

Repeat this process if you have additional Seasons that need to be priced for. You can also “dummy” price the entire season and use an Excel spreadsheet to change pricing which is covered in step 6 below.

Individual Optionally, individual date(s) can also be modified by selecting the date(s) on the calendar then clicking Edit Date Range. There is also a “Month View” toggle on the calendar that can be used to see a wider set of date ranges.


Quantity: enter 10,000. If sales surpass this number then products will be sold for $0. (see BLUE highlighted area in screenshot below).

If you are using tiers complete the following for each tier:

$: enter the price for this tier

#: enter the quantity to be sold at this tier (see GREEN and BLACK highlighted areas in the screenshot below)

Once all fields are completed click Update


NOTE: If you are using multiple override windows and tiers, tiers always have their own individual available quantities. So if 1 day out sells through tier 1 and begins selling into tier 2, day of pricing will still start at Tier 1.


Repeat this process if you have additional Seasons that need to be priced for. You can also “dummy” price the entire season and use an Excel spreadsheet to change pricing which is covered in step 6 below.

Individual Optionally, individual date(s) can also be modified by selecting the date(s) on the calendar then clicking Edit Date Range. There is also a “Month View” toggle on the calendar that can be used to see a wider set of date ranges.


NOTE: You will need to manually clear the cache in admin in order for your price changes to appear in the store to guests.

Jenni - Does “Show Grid” do anything and should we bother mentioning here?

6. Export/Import Excel Pricing Spreadsheet


Once a product is “dummy priced,” or priced with real values, the pricing export can be pulled and re-imported. Pricing exports and imports can be configured in the new Import Pricing plugin.

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Import Pricing search for the desired product using the product name, category or both. 

    1. A product must set up for dynamic pricing and priced for the season, even if the prices added are “dummy prices.” If this setup is not first done it will not work. 

    2. You can identify if a product is set up for dynamic pricing if you search for a product and the “type” is set to Override. If it is set to none, first set up the product for dynamic pricing using the sections above. 


  • Guidelines for preparing the Import Pricing (without tiers) spreadsheet are outlined below.

  • Before importing pricing spreadsheets is possible, preparing the correct pricing export sheet is required. This sheet has specific values that must be present for the import to work, so creating the spreadsheet without first exporting is not possible. To prepare your export spreadsheet, define the start and end date for the date range that will be updated. This can be an entire season.

  • Click to Prepare Import Spreadsheet

  • When the export is done, the spreadsheet will look something like this. Find the variant(s),  override window combination(s) and date(s) you wish to update, and update the price, setting the inventory using rules outlined below.


  • Once the pricing spreadsheet is completed with desired data updates, it’s ready to be re-imported. 

    1. Define the same start and end dates as what was defined for the pricing download spreadsheet

    2. Find the recently updated pricing download spreadsheet on your computer. Ensure it’s saved as a csv. 

    3. Select Import Pricing Spreadsheet


NOTE:If only a set of dates or combinations are being updated, pricing imports can be trimmed down to only have relevant rows in them. This will not cause issues with the upload, but only data that is defined in this spreadsheet will be updated with the import. 

  • If the product being priced doesn’t have tiers, the import is complete. Be sure to check the product in the Dynamic Pricing plugin to ensure prices were properly updated as expected. 

  • To prepare the Import Tiered Pricing (WITH tiers), follow the same steps as above, however, define the “available inventory” quantity to have the inventory that is available at that price before the price bumps to the next tier. 
