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Authentication Profile

Within RTP|One, the authentication profile is the unique identifier on a guest account that enables it to be authenticated from login and grants access to the user account. It contains an authentication ID, which is typically the guest’s email address, but can also be a distinct username.

Authentication ID

Within RTP|One, the authentication ID is the unique value that authenticates a guest account. It is typically an email address, but, in some cases, can also be a username.

Media Profile

Within RTP|One, the media profile is where the guest’s media card information (Pass number, RFID number, etc.) is housed. This is checked when a guest used uses the pass media feature within “Find Me” Flow during loginor if they choose to login with their media number.

Email Profile

Within RTP|One, the email profile is populated if the guest elects to opt in to marketing emails. It is from the email profile, that email marketers pull guest information for marketing purposes. It is distinct from the authentication email because a guest may opt-out of receiving marketing emails.


For Siriusware the username and email pull from the same email profile on the guest contact record.

Web Password

Within Siriusware, the web password profile is the unique identifier on a guest account that enables it to be authenticated from login and grants access to the user account. The email on the customer record is used for the username in conjunction with the web password.

Feature Description

The Standard Login feature within Aspenware Commerce provides the guest with many supportive options for finding their existing account or creating a new one, all while minimizing the chances that a guest will create a duplicate account and securing the accounts with two-factor authentication options. When a guest visits the Aspenware site, they have several options: Sign In, Create an Account or Find Your Account.
