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Table of Contents


  • Follow Payeezy getting started guide:

  • Set up a merchant account on the Payeezy site to get a Merchant ID.

  • Contact Aspenware Representative to set up an API dev account.

  • Add Merchant to Aspenware dev account by emailing Payeezy. Email to request having the client added as a merchant on our dev account. Include:

  • Payeezy will confirm the request and follow up with an email (May take a few days)

  • Then, Submit PaymentJS integration request following these steps under Step 4 in this guide exactly

  • When integration request complete, Email Payeezy to Confirm Values Match Merchant account values. (only required if issues with payment)

  • Once done Aspenware will get API key, API Secret, JS Key,and Token from the Payeezy developer account. 

  • Obtain TaToken from Payeezy and make note of this for future Commerce configuration. 

    • The transarmor token (tatoken) can be located in customer’s existing Payeezy account by logging in at and clicking on the terminal to view the details. The TA token will be a 4 character code.

  • If using CVV2 verification (recommended)

    • Complete the steps within Step 7 in this guide.

  • Change Payeezy from test to live when ready: To process live transactions, your APIs will need to be configured as follows:

    • Log into

    • Navigate to the “APIs” page

    • Select your API and then

    • “Edit <API>”

    • Make sure that ‘Live’ is checked.


  • Work with your Aspenware Representative to set up the GL Report so you can reconcile GL reporting in the POS and payment gateway.

  • Go to the Configuration > Payment > Payment Methods page.

  • Click Edit on the Payeezy payment gateway.

  • Check Is active on the desired payment method and click Save.  Ensure that only the desired payment method is set to ‘is active.’

  • Select ‘Configure’ on the desired payment method. 

  • Complete the following fields:

    1. Use Sandbox: - Should be checked for ‘test’ and unchecked for ‘prod’

    2. API Key: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account

    3. API Secret: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account

    4. JS Key: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account

    5. TaToken: Obtained in previous step above or get from Resort’s Payeezy account.

    6. Token: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account

    7. Requires Billing Address: This is likely required, so check to make sure it is collected for checkout.  

    8. Requires Phone Number: Check if phone number is required at checkout.

  • Click Save.

  • Test a live credit card for each type of accepted credit card (Visa, Amex, Discover, Mastercard) to ensure the gateway is processing payments properly once setup is completed.
