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Q: Can I use a validated prompt to restrict Checkout Discount Codes to only be available to use if a guest is buying within a certain time frame?
A: Because checkout discounts use validated prompts, you Yes. You can setup validated prompts in RTP|One to only validate codes during a specific time, and also set these special gated products in Aspenware Commerce to only be available during the specified time using the product start and end time fields. Contact your Aspenware Representative for assistance.
Q: Can I use a validated prompt to limit the number of discount uses per order? Can only one of the four tickets in the cart be discounted?
A: Yes. You can limit the number of times a customer can use the discount code in an order or overall. This is set up in validated prompt rules in RTP|One, so work with your Aspenware representative to fully communicate your campaign requirements so that they can set up the validation prompt according to your rules.
A: In the checkout flow on the personalize step, each guest assigned to a gated product that is setup set up to use checkout discount codes (validated prompts) will be prompted to enter their specific code. Depending on the rules configured around the validated prompt, it may require a specific guest is also assigned to the product in addition to checking the code, the product being purchased is valid for discount, and it may check to ensure this code is not already used, but these rules are configurable within RTP|One’s validation prompt setup and should be worked out with your Aspenware representative during setup.
A: Reporting is offered through RTP|One’s validation prompts and custom reports. Work with your Aspenware representative if a custom report is needed.
Q: Can I use validated prompts to restrict Checkout Discount Codes to only be available to use if a guest has already purchased a specific RTP product and has that on their profile?
A: Because checkout discounts use validated prompts, you Yes. You can set up validated prompts in RTP|One to only validate codes for guests who are valid. Aspenware recommends setting up a separate assignment validated procedure for limiting the assignable contacts on the assignment step and combining that with the use of a separate checkout validated procedure so the valid guest is forced to enter a valid code to proceed. If the code is not needed, you may decide to only set up the assignment procedure and not require code entry.
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How-to Guide of this page can be found here: [Internal] Common Troubleshooting Setup Guide