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First, redundant calls that could occur when multiple products point to a single RTP|One inventory pool and inventory location or Sirisuware Max4Sale pool are reduced to a single call.
Second, only dates from today’s date through the end of the season are called. If today’s date is outside of the season, only dates within the upcoming season are called.
There is a ‘StoreId’ setting in the function app settings. This means if you have multiple stores, work with your Aspenware Representative to define which store’s season start and end dates the inventory function should use as parameters for dates that it gets inventory for. The current default is 0, which is “All Stores.”
For products that do not need their inventory to be synced at regular intervals and have high availability, there is an option to only sync inventory for these once daily, which limits the regular syncs to only get inventory for products that could reasonably sell out.
The function to Update Inventory Pool Codes, which looks for changes to the configuration in Aspenware Commerce inventory pools, can be set to run on a different frequency from the overall Inventory Sync function.
The inventory sync function was re-written to use Azure Durable function architecture and function chaining to increase performance.
The inventory architecture is diagrammed below.