Setup Checklist
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| DB:Set-up ChecklistDB: |
| Set-up Checklist |
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1. POS TASKS | POS Task 1
Expand |
Products that need age ranges assigned Tasls | | Products that require assignment are created in POS and require assignment and possibly have age ranges added to POS - Infrastructure Task 2 - Status |
colour | YellowRed |
title | Prerequisite |
| 2. INFRASTRUCTURE TASKS | | Confirm that the Azure function app is setup and configured to the desired frequency. Status |
colour | RedYellow |
title | Required |
Expand |
title | Example of Infrastructure Task |
2. Commerce Tasks | |
Products that require assignment are created in Aspenware Commerce and attributes are finalized - | Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | Prerequisite |
| 3. COMMERCE TASKS | Commerce Task 3 - Expand |
title | Example of Commerce Task |
Confirm that the
Aspenware Commerce products that will have
inventory Requires Assignment assigned to them are
fully configured set up with the
correct attributes - Age Rules if necessary.
RedRequired Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | Prerequisite |
| Language String, Setting, HTML widget, etc. Task 4 - Expand |
title | Example of Setting Task |
| Ensure the setting ‘ecommercesettings.productinventory.cachetime’ is set to your desired cache time - |
| Status |
| colour | Update relevant language strings Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | Prerequisite |
| Configuration Task 5 - Status |
colour | RedGreen |
title | Required |
Expand |
title | Example of Configuration Task |
Inventory is mapped to product or product variant in the Inventory Pool plugin Content Blocks on Assignment step of checkout are updated via HTML Widgets - Code is entered | Red | Required | If using location in RTP, location code is entered
If multi day product, number of days is defined
If using non default lock time of 900 seconds, the desired lock time is configured.
Status |
colour | Green |
title | Detailed Setup |
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Prerequisite Tasks
Insert excerpt |
| DB:Prerequisites Tasks ExcerptDB: |
| Prerequisites Tasks Excerpt |
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POS Tasks
POS Task that must be completed first
Infrastructure Tasks
Infrastructure Task that must be completed first. Remove section if not required
Commerce Tasks
AW Commerce task that must be completed firstIf this product is sold onsite and the POS product requires assignment, and/or has age rules applied to it, confirm that the product requires assignment in the POS and that age ranges are set up.
Commerce Tasks
Confirm that the Aspenware Commerce products that will have requires assignment assigned to them are fully configured.
Confirm that the products that will have Requires Assignment assigned to them are set up with the Age Rules if necessary.
Settings, Language Strings and/or HTML Widgets for this Feature
Insert excerpt |
| DB:Setting, Language String and/or HTML Widgets for this featureDB: |
| Setting, Language String and/or HTML Widgets for this feature |
nopanel | true |
AW Commerce Settings that must first be completed
Language Strings
AW Commerce Language Strings that must first be completed
HTML Widgets
AW Commerce HTML Widgets that must first be completed
Detailed Setup Guide
Step 1 Header
Step 2 Header
First bullet should provide navigation instructions i.e. Catalog >Attributes >Product attributes
Sub-bullet for step 1. Every step and click should be detailed so that someone could follow with little prior experience.
Sub-bullet for step a. Include screenshots of the step and use skitch to mark up screenshots. It can be downloaded here:
Expand |
title | Example of content within a section |
From the Aspenware Commerce Plugins>Age Range page in Admin, click View Add Range Types in the upper right corner. Click Add Age Range Type. Enter a name and description for the age range type. To set the date used to compare the customer’s age to the required age range, select: Calculate from Trip Start (this age range type is likely already configured), or Calculate from Today’s Date (age range based on purchase date), or Specify the Calculation Start Date; the customer’s age on this date will be used to determine if they are eligible for the product based on the age ranges
Click Add. Age Range Types can be edited and inactivated, but they cannot be hard deleted without contacting Aspenware. Age Range types that are set to Calculate from Trip Start or Today’s Date will never need to be edited, unless you would like to edit the name. Age Range Types that are calculated from a fixed date however, will need to be edited each year to adjust for the current year.
Image Removed Hint: Age Range Types should also be adjusted year over year. If age ranges are calculated based on Trip Start, then they will not need to be updated. Once completed for all required age range types move on to create Age Range. |
Info |
Note: When possible use notes, warnings, and hints within info panel macros. See for more details on these. |
Language Strings
Update ‘account.login.checkout.assign.steptitle’ if ‘Assign’ is not desired as the default.
Update ‘account.login.checkout.assign.title’ if ‘Assign Products’ is not desired as the default.
HTML Widgets
There are several content blocks that are displayed to the guest when creating family members and on the assign products step of checkout explaining that specific guests may not be selectable in the assignment drop-down due to an age rule or other limiting factors. These are managed via HTML widgets and can be customized.
Title: Explain Assignment Limitations - New Group Member
Image AddedTitle: Explain Assignment Limitations - Assignment Page
Image AddedSee the documentation on editing these HTML widgets.
NOTE: For the Assignment text HTML widgets, the text between the code elements, i.e. <p> and </p> is configurable.
Detailed Setup Guide
Configure Product to Require Assignment in Checkout
(Optional) Configure Product to Offer Assignment Option on PDP
(Optional) Configure Add-On Product to Require Separate Assignee than Core Product
(Optional) Configure “Fenced” Assignment through Assignment Validated Prompt
1. Configure Product to Require Assignment in Checkout
Products that require customer assignment must be flagged as requiring assignment. Both core and add-on products can be set up to require customer assignment. Typically, for a core product that has add ons booked as part of the product “package,” the core product and add-on products are assigned to the same customer, so the assignment is only asked for on the core product, and it is inherited by the add on products as well. This inheritance can be broken, however, and an add-on product can be set up to be assigned to a separate user when this configuration is desired (skip to section 3 below for configuration steps for setting up distinct customer assignment on add-on products).
Go to Aspenware Commerce > Product Classification > Add Assignment and choose both the Category containing the product requiring assignment from the Category dropdown and the desired product from the Product dropdown.
Info |
NOTE: Assigning the 'Requires Assignment' Classification should only be done at the product level, not the category level or the attribute level. |
In the Classification table, check Assign for the ‘Requires Assignment’ classification.
Click Add.
Optional Go to the product editor page and navigate to the Product Attribute tab. (Core Product Only)
Select the AssignedTo attribute, enter [Assigned To] in the Text prompt field, do not select Required, and select the Textbox Control Type. The Display order does not impact this attribute, so set to 0 or the highest number in the sequence based on preference. (Core Product Only)
Note: Do not add the AssignedTo attribute to any time-based activity products that leverage quantity selection on the product detail page.
2. (Optional) Configure Product to Offer Assignment Option on PDP
First bullet should provide navigation instructions i.e. Catalog >Attributes >Product attributes
Sub-bullet for step 1
Sub-bullet for step a
go to the Glossary page and add the key terms Excerpt Include that you added for your configuration guide.
To add the feature terms to the Glossary, navigate to the glossary and add a header for your feature using an H2. Select the + and then select …view more. Search for Excerpt Include and in the Page Containing the Excerpt search for “Configuration: [FEATURE]” select to hide panel, preview and add.
How-to Guide of this page can be found here: /wiki/spaces/DB/pages/1040089511
3. (Optional) Configure Add-On Product to Require Separate Assignee than Core Product
4. (Optional) Configure “Fenced” Assignment through Assignment Validated Prompt
A validated prompt can be used to fence special/discounted product purchases to only “eligible” members, and this eligibility is based on customized rules that are configured in an RTP|ONE validated prompt (this not currently supported for Sirisuware).
Validated prompts are typically used to enforce that a guest previously purchased product N. Some validated prompts require a guest to enter a code and click “Validate,” which “checks” their eligibility, but validated prompts that are set up to “Validate on Assignment” take the leg work away from the guest and check guest eligibility on the assignment of the product - only allowing “eligible” guests to be assigned. This eligibility fencing is supported for both Assignment on the PDP and Assignment in Checkout.
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nopanel | true |