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Table of Contents |
Setup Checklist
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1. POS Tasks | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RTP - The product must be a fully configured product in the POS system and able to be sold in ONE|Resort.
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Siriusware - The Item must be a fully configured product in the POS system and should be able to be sold on Sales.
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2. Infrastructure Tasks | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unity - Connectivity between Aspenware Commerce and the POS system has been fully established through Unity.
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3. Aspenware Commerce Tasks | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Store Configuration
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Core Product Configured
| Short & long descriptions added
| Email description HTML added
SKU added
Category(s) added
Product is published
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Feature Setup 1. Create an add-on product
Price dropdown
Shipping dropdown
Inventory dropdown
Pictures dropdown
2. Create an attribute that will house the add-on connection to the core product
SEO dropdown Search engine friendly page name changed
3. Associate the add-on to an existing core product through an attribute
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Status | colour |
Save and Continue Edit button
Button clicked to save
Status | ||||
Prerequisite Tasks
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1. POS Tasks
RTP - The product must be a fully configured product in the POS system and able to be sold in ONE|Resort.
General tab
Product is active
The appropriate Security level is set at or below the Aspenware User security level.
Optionally set the Validate Customer Procedure if needed for features such as Arrival tablets
Sales Locations
Appropriate Sales Location for Aspenware is assigned
Required Component(s) for the product have been added.
Sales Channels
The appropriate Sales Channel for Aspenware has been added.
Pricing date ranges and/or pricing seasons are valid.
Optionally add any rules the product may require (ie Customer Required, PUB/Skiosk, etc) added to the product
Siriusware - The Item must be a fully configured product in the POS system and should be able to be sold on Sales.
Salespoint Type
Item is available to be sold from Web Sales
Available Sales Dates has the Item priced for the current season
Item is added to the Item Tree being used by the Online Salespoint
2. Infrastructure Tasks
Connectivity between Aspenware Commerce and the POS system has been fully established through Unity. This should have been completed during the implementation of your store.
3. Aspenware Commerce Tasks
The Category that the product will appear under needs to be created and published.
Optional features such as Roles, Multiple Stores, Discounts, and Tax Category, etc must be configured in advance to be applied to the product.Create a core product.
Create a hidden category for add-ons if one does not already exist.
Info |
NOTE: For steps to create a core product see: Configuration: Product Shell |
4. Settings, Language Strings, and/or HTML Widgets for this Feature
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This setup does not require additional setup for Settings, Language Strings, or HTML widgets.
Detailed Setup Guide
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Info |
NOTE: It is recommended to save often by clicking Save and Continue Edit in the top menu bar. This will ensure your work is saved in the event you accidentally close or navigate away from the page. |
HINT: Image examples below can be clicked to enlarge for easier viewing.
The Products page can be used to create new products, edit existing products, and delete products.
To create a product, go to Catalog > Products > Add new
Ensure the top left slider is displayed as Advanced. If Basic is showing then click Basic and Advanced will now show.
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NOTE: If you click the “Settings” button you can configure the Basic view to hide unused fields as the Advanced view will show fields that are not used by Aspenware Commerce. If the Basic view is configured improperly, it can hide the required fields. |
2. Complete Required Product info fields
the required |
Info |
NOTE: The Product info fields control the name displayed for the product on both the product card and PDP, the short description on both the product card and PDP, the long description on the PDP, the email content that goes to guests when the product is purchased, the SKU sent to the POS when this is a simple product, the category(s) the product is displayed under, whether the product is published and visible to guests or not, whether the product is a normal ski product or retail product, optionally what roles have access to the product, optionally which stores will display the product, optionally when the product is available for purchase, and optionally when the product is taken off display and cannot be purchased. |
Product name: The value input here appears on the product card and PDP. Only {alphanumeric}
values are accepted.
Short and long description: The short description appears on the product card and directly below the product name on the PDP. The long description only appears on the PDP and is separated in this field by manually typing in the pipe character “|”. Both short and long descriptions can utilize most aspects of HTML, but HTML is only visible on the PDP.
Email description: Click Tools > Source code and in the pop-up window add your HTML text. Once complete click Ok. The Email description box is the content that displays on order confirmation emails when a guest buys a specific product. If a guest purchases different products in a single order then each product’s email description box’s content is included in the order confirmation email. The email description does not display on the PDP and will never appear on order confirmation emails for add-on products.
SKU: Enter the POS product ID in the SKU field. When a guest completes an order this will map to the specified product ID in the POS and sell the guest that product. If the product requires multiple product IDs, (different product IDs based on age-range for example), then leave the SKU field blank as this will be mapped later at the attribute combination level.
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Categories: Click this field to select the category(s) or sub-category(s) that this product should fall under. Only categories that have already been created will appear here. If you are creating an add-on product then select a hidden category. (see category configuration section if you need to add a new category or a hidden category).
Published: If checked, this product will be accessible on the site. If the category it is associated with is also published. If unchecked, this product will not be accessible on the site.
Product type: Leave as “Simple”.
Product template: Leave as “Simple product”. If you are setting up a Retail product, set to “Retail” and refer to the documentation on setting up a retail product.
Customer roles: If any guest should be able to view this product, leave the field blank. If this product should only be visible to specific guests, select the corresponding role(s) associated with those guests.
Limited to stores: If you are running only one store, leave blank. If you are running multiple stores and want this product only visible to guests on specific stores(s), select the corresponding store(s) the product should be displayed on.
Available start date (UTC): Optionally defines the date & time in UTC the product will become visible on the site. Leave as blank if you want the product to be visible immediately. To set a date click the Calendar icon and select your desired date, to set a time click the Clock icon and set your desired time.
Available end date (UTC): Optionally defines the date & time in UTC the product will become not visible on the site. Leave as blank if you do not want an automated date & time to remove the product for purchase. To set a date click the Calendar icon and select your desired date, to set a time click the Clock icon and set your desired time.
Warning |
NOTE: The following fields from this section are not used:
3. Complete Required Price fields
Enter the required product info in the Price fields. If the Price drop-down is not expanded, click Price to display the fields in this section.
Info |
NOTE: The Price fields control the price displayed on the product card when the theme is configured to display pricing on product cards, the price can define the selling price sent to the payment provider and POS if this is a simple product, and optionally tax can be assigned to the product. |
Price: If this is a simple product, enter the product’s price here. This will be the selling price sent to the payment provider and POS system. If the store’s theme is configured to display a price on the product card, this will also display as the price on the product card.
Discounts: Leave blank if you are not offering discounts on this product. If you are offering discounts on this product, select the desired discount(s) you have pre-configured from this dropdown.
Tax exempt: If the product is tax-exempt check this box. If the product has tax then uncheck this box.
Tax category: Appears when “Tax exempt” is unchecked. Select a pre-configured tax category to apply that tax rate to this product.
Warning |
NOTE: The following fields from this section are not used:
4. Complete Required Shipping fields
Enter the required product info in the Shipping fields. If the Shipping drop-down is not expanded, click Shipping to display the fields in this section.
Info |
NOTE: These fields are only used to set up a retail product. |
Shipping enabled: Leave unchecked. If setting up a retail product see the Retail product configuration guide.
5. Complete Required Inventory fields
Enter the required product info in the Inventory fields. If the Inventory drop-down is not expanded, click Inventory to display the fields in this section.
Info |
NOTE: These fields are optionally used to limit the quantity of a specific product that guests can add to their cart. |
Inventory method: Leave as “Don’t track inventory”. If setting up a retail product see the Retail product configuration guide.
Minimum cart qty: Enter the minimum product quantity a guest must select to add this product to their cart. If a value greater than 1 is entered and the “Allowed quantities” setting below is not configured, then guests will not be able to add the product to their cart.
Maximum cart qty: Enter the maximum product quantity a guest may add of this product to their cart.
Allowed quantities:
If left blank, then guests will only be able to add one product to their cart at a time by clicking the “add to cart button” on the PDP.
If looking to add inventory limitations, enter comma-separated numeric values. This allows guests to add multiple products to their cart at a time, this also dictates the exact value range of product quantities a guest can add to their cart. For example, “1,2,3,5” would only allow the guest to add those exact values to their cart, meaning they could not add a total of 4 or 6 of the same product to their cart. This also only restricts cart values to the core product or each unique product combination. From the example above, a guest could add 5 Adult Passes to their cart and also add 5 Child Passes to their cart and complete checkout since those are interpreted as different products. This also does not prevent a guest from going through checkout multiple times to get around cart quantity restrictions.
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NOTE: The following fields from this section are not used:
6. Upload Images in Pictures fields
If the Pictures drop-down is not expanded, click Pictures to display the fields in this section. The Picture fields control the image used on the product card and PDP when the resort’s theme is set up to display here. As described in the product attribute feature configuration article, this is also where icon images are saved so they can later be added to selected attribute values for display on the PDP.
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Note the main image(s) will only appear on the PDP if this is part of your resort’s specified theme. Product image dimensions are recommended at 1700 x 700 px and 275 KB and optional product icon images are 40 x 40 px. |
Step 1 (Required): Adding a product image
Upload a file: Click Upload a file then select an image from your computer to upload. (specs: 1700 x 700 px and 275 KB)
Alt: Leave as blank
Title: Leave as blank
Display order: Leave as 0
Add product picture: Click Add product picture and the initial image is now saved to this product.
Step 2 (Required): Adding product image(s)
If your theme is a single static image: Repeat Step 1 above with the same image already used. You must also repeat the “Upload a file” step even though it looks like you can simply click the “Add product picture” button.
If your theme scrolls through multiple images on the PDP: Repeat Step 1 but you may choose a different image that guests can scroll through on the PDP. You must also repeat the “Upload a file” step even though it looks like you can simply click the “Add product picture” button.
Step 3 (Optional): Adding icon image(s)
Upload a file: Click Upload a file then select an image from your computer to upload. (specs: 40 x 40 px.)
Alt: type “icon” in this field
Title: type “icon” in this field
Display order: type “20” in this field
Add product picture: Click Add product picture
Info |
NOTE: You do not need to repeat these steps for icon images and you can upload several different icon images. To be visible, icons must be assigned to attribute values, and configuration to accomplish this is covered in the Product Attribute Values Configuration document. |
7. Skip the Product attributes fields
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NOTE: If the Product attributes drop-down is not expanded, click Product attributes to display the fields in this section. These fields are used to create a product with attributes and configuration to accomplish this is covered in the Product Attribute Values Configuration guide. |
8. Skip the Specification attributes fields
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NOTE: If the Specification attributes drop-down is not expanded, click Specification attributes to display the fields in this section. These fields are used to apply special rules and features to the product and configuration to accomplish this is covered in the Specification Attribute Values Configuration guide. |
9. Skip the Gift card fields
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NOTE: This area of the store is not used. |
10. Skip the Downloadable product fields
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NOTE: This area of the store is not used. |
11. Skip the Rental fields
Warning |
NOTE: This area of the store is not used. |
12. Skip the Recurring product fields
Warning |
NOTE: This area of the store is not used. |
13. Complete the SEO fields
If the SEO drop-down is not expanded, click Seo to display the fields in this section.
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NOTE: These fields are used to define the last portion of the product’s URL and for the meta-text on the product card if your theme has meta-text enabled. |
Search engine friendly page name: Enter the value that will define the ending portion of the product’s URL.
Meta title: Enter the value that will appear on the product card when the store’s theme is configured to show meta-text. Character limits depend on the theme’s font size/styling and the guest’s screen size.
Warning |
NOTE: The following fields from this section are not used:
14. Skip Related product fields
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NOTE: This area of the store is not used. |
15. Skip Cross-sells fields
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NOTE: This area of the store is not used. |
16. Skip Purchased with orders fields
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NOTE: If the Purchased with orders drop-down is not expanded, click Purchased with orders to display the fields in this section. No configuration is needed. These fields are used to show past order information for this product. |
17. Skip Product vouchers fields
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NOTE: If the Product vouchers drop-down is not expanded, click Product vouchers to display the fields in this section. These fields are used to set up features relating to vouchers and configuration to accomplish this is covered in the Product Voucher Configuration guide. |
18. Click the Save and Continue Edit button
Click Save and Continue Edit in the top menu bar to save the changes you have made.
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NOTE: The best practice is to continually click Save and Continue Edit as you work through the product setup. Once saved, your product should appear on the store under the category you selected. There you can review/test and come back to the product editor page to make changes as needed. |
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