Inventory can be checked for single day products on the day of the product and also checked for multi-day products that are consecutive or non-consecutive. On multi-day products, inventory can be checked for every day of the reservation and will not enable booking if any day of the product is sold out.
RTP|ONE Inventory pool slots and Siriusware Max4Sale slots are synced to Aspenware Commerce inventory tables by an Azure function on a configurable basis. The sync timer is configurable and is defaulted to every N seconds. On this interval, the function obtains the latest inventory numbers from the POS and writes them to the Aspenware Commerce inventory table for each component code or Siriusware Max4Sale value (DCI, Department + Category, or Department) configured in Aspenware Commerce’s Inventory Pool administration.
While the inventory limits available on the shop rely on POS available inventory in RTP|One or Siriusware, it is not called every time a guest navigates to an inventoried product, but rather on a configurable basis. This approach ensures optimal shop performance and eliminates the possibility of overbooking inventory. The inventory that the shop reads from is fully contained within Aspenware and accounts for inventory from the following: